Pupil Data Record


Dear Parents/Guardians,

To help us update our records, we need you to give us the following information.

Please fill in one form for each pupil. Thank you.

David Curtin (Principal)

"*" indicates required fields

Pupil's Name*
Birth Cert Name (if different)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Is one of the pupil's mother tongues (i.e. language spoken at home) Irish or English
Mother's Details
Mother's Name*
Father's Details
Father's Name*
Please make the school aware as early as possible of any family situation such as bereavement or separation that could impact on your child, so that we can be as supportive as possible.
Child Protection: I acknowledge that the school has a statutory obligation to report any child protection concerns to Tusla.
All the above information is required for the efficient running of the school.
I consent to the above information being stored on the Primary Online Database and transferred to the Dept. of Education & Skills and any other primary schools my child may transfer to during the course of their time in Primary School.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Primary Online Database (POD) Additional Information:
To which ethnic or cultural background does your child belong (please tick one):*
Do you consent to uploading data relating to ethnicity to Primary Online Database?*
What is your child's religion?*
Do you consent to uploading data relating to religion to Primary Online Database?*